Friday, June 26, 2015

Middle Ages

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In history, as well as in genealogy, the Middle Ages, 5th to the 15th centuries, are a murky, wibbly, wobbly, timey, wimey (thanks Dr. Who) period of time. It was about a 1,000 years of fluctuating kingdoms, ideologies, and just general craziness.

I know one thing for sure, the Middle Ages can turn genealogy research into a mind boggling search for verifiable truth. The Barker family has been for years linked to Alfred the Great through Lady Joan Beaufort and her marriage to Sir Robert St. Lawrence. The Beaufort line was tied to the St. Lawrence's but unfortunately it has come to light that Joan Beaufort was probably not Sir Nicholas St. Lawrence's mother. So now the search starts for another connection to Alfred the Great. It is possible there is a connection through the Vermadois  family.

Here is the murky part of recording of the Middle Ages, almost no two references seem to agree. Right now I know absolutely that it all is making my brain hurt.